Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Zecharia Sitchin's The 12th Planet: Chapters 13 and 14

[8th of 9 Parts]

Chapter 13 - “The End of All Flesh”

Sitchin states that the human beings were “merely upgraded” by the gods or Anunnaki from “an existing animal”--Homo erectus--“to suit their needs” (that is, to serve them “food and drink” or to toil “in the fields or on construction jobs” [366]).

These “first representatives of Homo sapiens were incapable of reproduction” (368), that is, they were “either sexless or sexually incomplete beings” (369). 

Enki, however, later produced a “ ‘perfect mold’ ” and human beings were given the capacity to procreate—what the Bible, Sitchin notes, terms the acquisition of “knowing” (370, 372).

Some 200,000 years later, the gods themselves found out that the daughters of human beings were attractive enough to become their wives or sexual partners. 

This caused Enlil’s disgust: the “spreading defilement of the gods themselves” (372). 

As a result, Enlil schemed to wipe humankind off the face of the Earth.

A forthcoming Great Deluge was in perfect accord with his plan.

South to North course of the Great Flood
Illustration Copyright by Zecharia Sitchin
Reproduced by Permission

Chapter 14 - “When the Gods Left the Earth”

The Deluge that occurred is encoded in texts more ancient than the Bible, such as “When the gods as men,” as well as the Epic of Gilgamesh

The “hero of the Deluge” in the former text is called Atra-Hasis; in the latter text, Utnapishtim (the “first Noah,” Sitchin remarks).

The Deluge, though, was not Enlil’s first opportunity to wipe humans off Earth. 

The Atra-Hasis text (in its Akkadian and Assyrian versions) tells that Enlil “called for the decimation of Mankind through pestilence and sicknesses,” then through “starvation” (390, 391). Enki, however, in both of the above instances, helped the human beings survive.

The Flood was the third answer to Enlil’s plan. 

But seven days before the Flood, Enki instructed Atra-Hasis to build  “a submarine” (395), and the rest was history.

Before the Flood came, the gods fled in their rocket ships and hovered on Earth.

The Flood was caused by the melting of and splashing down into the ocean of the ice caps in Antarctica; this occurrence was catalyzed by the gravitational pull of Nibiru when it neared Earth’s vicinity during its visit in circa 11,000 B.C. It brought about the abrupt collapse of the Ice Age (402).

If Nibiru helped catalyze the occurrence of the Great Deluge in 11,000 B.C., and the Nibiruans or Anunnaki aided the human beings’ progress towards civilization after the Flood, as Sitchin writes, then the Nibiruans must have aided human progress after the Flood thrice, that is, every time the planet visited Earth every 3,600 years: in 11000 B.C., 7400 B.C., and 3800 B.C. (—what Sitchin, in the third chapter of The Twelfth Planet, terms as the granting of civilization to humankind in a “one-two-three punch”).


In Dec. 2004, Zecharia Sitchin wrote: 

"Quoting the Sumerian, Akkadian and biblical texts, I pointed out that although heavy rains did follow as Earth's ice age abruptly ended, it was a tidal wave that caused the Great Flood.  It was a tidal storm from the south, from Antarctica, that sent walls of water crushing over all the ancient lands, taking more than a year to subside." 

from: the last paragraph of "The 'Tsunami' of 10, 900 B.C.," Dec.    
         2004,  http://www.sitchin.com/media.htm.

Related Articles:

An Overview of The Twelfth Planet

Chapters 1 and 2 of The Twelfth Planet

Chapters 3 and 4 of The Twelfth Planet

Chapters 5 and 6 of The Twelfth Planet

Chapters 7 and 8 of The Twelfth Planet

Chapters 9 and 10 of The Twelfth Planet

Zecharia Sitchin's The 12th Planet: Chapters 11 and 12

[7th of 9 Parts]

Chapter 11 - “Mutiny of the Anunnaki”

The chapter tells of, among other things, the mutiny of the rank-and-file Nefilim or Anunnaki who were working in the mines of Africa. 

Their complaint: “Excessive toil has killed us, / Our work was heavy, the distress much” (344, Sitchin quoting from Lambert and Millard’s Atra-Hasis: The Babylonian Story of the Flood, which was ”based on earlier Sumerian versions”).   

The response of Earth’s supreme commander, then, Enlil, was: kill the mutiny leaders or he would resign. 

But Anu (who came down from Heaven to hear the case) “sided with the Anunnaki” (334).

Ea/Enki then suggested that “Mami” (the “ ‘Birth Goddess’ ”) should “ ‘create a Primitive Worker’ ” who will “ ‘bear the yoke….,’ ” that is, will be made to work as miners (334). 

Mami responded that she “would need” Ea’s help, for it was with Ea that “ ‘skill lies’ ” (335).

This "mutiny of the gods had led to the creation of Man” (335). 

The date or year and place of the first human beings’ “creation”: 300,000 years ago, in Africa.

Chapter 12- “The Creation of Man”

This chapter (as well as chapter 13) answers the question of how the human being was created.

How was the human being created?

The “ovum of a female Homo erectus,” Sitchin specifies, “was fertilized by the genes of a god”; this was “then implanted within the womb of Ea’s spouse"--Ninki (358).

After the ‘model’ was obtained, duplicates of it were implanted in the wombs of birth goddesses, to undergo the process of pregnancy and birth” (358).

Thus, thousands of years ago, in Africa, the Anunnaki--with their knowledge of the DNA and genetic engineering--successfully upgraded Homo erectus into Homo sapien
The Anunnaki's success of "genetically engineering" Homo erectus into Homo sapien
implies that they had prior knowledge about DNA or its structure--as got depicted in
some ancient artifacts.

Illustration Copyright by Zecharia Sitchin
Reproduced by Permission

 Related Articles:


Zecharia Sitchin's The 12th Planet: Chapters 9 and 10

One of the reprint editions of  Sitchin's The 12th Planet ,
the basis of this article and  preceding ones..

[6th of 9 Parts]

 Chapter 9 - "Landing on Planet Earth"

Among the chapter’s highlights are:

First, Earth is the 7th planet from Pluto. This is, according to Sitchin, how the Anunnaki counted the planets as they came out of outer space towards the outer planets (Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, and Jupiter) and maneuvered their way towards the inner planets—passing Mars by and landing on Earth.

Sitchin, thus, solves one puzzle regarding Enlil, supreme commander on Earth, who has been termed by King Gudea of Lagash as “the celestial 7 is 50” (259).

As Sitchin states, “The god Enlil, whose rank number” among the Anunnaki “was fifty, had as his celestial counterpart the planet that was seventh” (260).

Second, the voyage of the Anunnaki towards Earth is embedded in the text of the Epic of Creation, which was recited in ancient Mesopotamia’s Babylon at the New Year festival called the Akitu.

Third, Sitchin's discussion on an ancient text that purportedly showed the flight path of the Anunnaki as they descended on Earth (Figure 122, page 274; the illustration is reproduced below).

Fig. 122, page 274, The 12th Planet

   Illustration Copyright by Zecharia Sitchin
Reproduced with Permission
Chapter 10 - “Cities of the Gods”

 Illustration Copyright by Zecharia Sitchin
Reproduced with Permission

The chapter specifies that the Anunnaki first landed on Earth “some 450,000 years ago,” in search of gold that they needed for their planet’s waning atmosphere.

Specifically, they landed when “about a third of Earth’s land was covered with ice sheets and glaciers” (284).

Thus, the “sea levels were also lower”—“as much as 600 to 700 feet lower than at present”—since “so much water had been captured as ice on the land masses” (284).

Sitchin remarks that these first settlers intended Earth “to be a permanent ‘home away from home’ ” (283). 

These settlers were called by the ancient Sumerians--not as “gods” but--as DIN.GIR, “the righteous/just ones of the rockets.” 

Sitchin surmises that the Anunnaki must have taken into consideration such factors as climate, water, fuel/energy, and landing site when they were thinking of settling on Earth. 

Mesopotamia had all these factors to a tee. 

It “offered proximity to not one but two seas—the Indian Ocean to the south and the Mediterranean to the west” (285-286). 

As “the first landings occurred during the second glacial period, when today’s Persian Gulf was not a sea but a stretch of marshlands and shallow lakes,” the Anunnaki took into account an Indian Ocean splashdown (287).

The Anunnaki’s first home was called E.DIN, “home of the righteous ones,” from which the word Eden is derived. 

Their first settlement on our planet was “at the edge of the marshes” in Mesopotamia (287). They called it E.RI.DU (“house in faraway built”), a term which we now use to call our planet Earth. 

As Sitchin further states, the term—Eridu—has entered into “all languages”:

         To this very day,  the  Persian  term  ordu  means
         ‘encampment.’ It is a word whose meaning has taken
         root in all languages: The settled Earth is called Erde
         in German, Erda in Old High German, Jordh in Icelandic,
         Jord in Danish, Airtha in Gothic, Erthe in Middle English;
         and, going back geographically and in time, “Earth” was
         Aratha or Ereds in Aramaic, Erd or Ertz in Kurdish,
         and Eretz in  Hebrew. (288)

Sitchin adds that the Anunnaki established Earth’s first seven cities, namely, Eridu, Bad-tibira, Larak, Sippar, Shuruppak, Larsa, and  Nippur.

Related Articles:

An Overview of The Twelfth Planet

Chapters 1 and 2 of The Twelfth Planet

Chapters 3 and 4 of The Twelfth Planet

Chapters 5 and 6 of The Twelfth Planet

Chapters 7 and 8 of The Twelfth Planet

Monday, December 31, 2018

Zecharia Sitchin's The 12th Planet: Chapters 7 and 8

“Neo-Assyrian cylinder seal impression from the eighth century 
BCE identified by several sources as a possible depiction of
 the slaying of Tiamat (in) the Enûma Eliš” 
(Wikipedia, citing Geoffrey W. Bromily, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1988, p.1) 
and Roy Willis, World Mythology (2012, p. 62).

[5th of 9 Parts]

Chapter 7 - “Epic of Creation”

Sitchin refers to an ancient “Akkadian text, written in the Old Babylonian dialect," that accordingly recounts the solar system's evolution, including "the Creation of Heaven and Earth” (as well as the Creation of Man, which Sitchin discusses at length in chapter 11).

Known as the Enuma elish (after the first two words in its opening line), translator L.W. King's “authoritative text” rendered it as The Seven Tablets of Creation

It is more popularly known today as the “Epic of Creation.”

In comparing the Creation epic with the Bible’s Creation account in Genesis, Sitchin observes that while the biblical story “begins with the creation of Heaven and Earth,” the Mesopotamian epic deals “with prior events” that take its readers “to the beginning of time” (210).

This is how Sitchin views the epic's characters and events:

The Enuma elish tells of Apsu (the Sun) and Tiamat (the primordial Earth) as the “two primeval celestial bodies” in the solar system. 

They were next joined by Mummu (Mercury), after which the other planets followed: Lahmu (Mars) and Lahamu (Venus), Anshar (Saturn) and Kishar (Jupiter), then Anu (Uranus) and Nudimmud (Neptune). 

Gaga or Pluto, in this account, was Saturn's former satellite. 

Pluto gained its independent (planetary) orbit around the sun when Nibiru (called Marduk by the Babylonians) passed by Saturn's vicinity of Saturn as it (Nibiru) moved “along its path towards an inevitable collision with Tiamat”—which was then, or orignally, between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars.

As gleaned in the foregoing, the ancient Sumerians counted twelve celestial bodies that compose the solar system: the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Earth’s Moon (called Kingu in the epic),  Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Nibiru. 

As is now known, all the planets revolve clockwise around the sun. 

But Nibiru, Sitchin states, has a clockwise orbit, and visits the solar system once every 3,600 years.  

Moving on within the vicinity of Anu/Uranus, Nibiru sprouted four moons from “chunks of matter” due to the gravitational pull of the former. 

Nibiru grew three more satellites when it was “subjected to the tremendous gravitational pull” of Anshar/Saturn and Kishar/Jupiter (222). Nibiru, thus, had a total of seven satellites--which were termed "seven winds" in earlier translations.

These satellites, not Nibiru itself, “smashed into Tiamat” and rendered her “lifeless” (225). 

Tiamat’s then “ten, smaller satellites” “reversed their direction”—and, Sitchin figures that they became, or were the origin of,  comets (225). 

Kingu (Earth’s moon) was Tiamat’s largest moon (the 11th then); as indicated above, it had started—but failed—to gain independent orbit when Nibiru/Marduk was approaching Tiamat.

When Nibiru made another return orbit--that is, 3, 600 years after the dramatic  collision--its satellites and its own “electric bolts” split Tiamat in two.

Tiamat’s upper part, which became “Earth,” was carried to “an orbit where no planet had been orbiting before”--between Venus and Mars.

Tiamat's lower part was smashed into pieces by Nibiru itself and became the “Heavens” (of the Old Testament)—that is, “the Hammered Out Bracelet” now known as the Asteroid Belt, where Tiamat or its orbit used to be: between Mars and Jupiter.

Illustration Copyright by Zecharia Sitchin
Reprinted by Permission

Illustration Copyright by Zecharia Sitchin
Reprinted by Permission


Illustration Copyright by Zecharia Sitchin
Reprinted by Permission

Chapter 8 - “Kingship in Heaven”

The Solar System, By Beinahegut
Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

Sitchin points to the “ ‘central position’ ” that Nibiru/Marduk occupies in the solar system--between the inner celestial bodies (Mercury, Venus, Earth and its Moon, and Mars) and the outer (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto). 

In short: between Mars and Jupiter, or the Asteroid Belt.

Interestingly, Sitchin observes that the Old Testament has, in fact,  made quite a number of references to this central planet: “Lord of Hosts” is Isaiah’s term for it; it has “marked out an orbit” in the “farthest limit," says the Book of Job; it is “the glory of the Lord” that “emanates” from “the end of heavens,” according to the Psalms. All of these, Sitchin states, are references that imply the apogee of Nibiru’s orbit (239-240).

Towards the end of the chapter, Sitchin reiterates what scientists have been baffled with (he has called attention to this early in the book—in chapter 1): that life on Earth began too soon (“within a few hundred million years”) after the Earth was formed (“some 4,500,000,000 years ago”) (255).

The implication is that life on Earth “was itself a descendant of some previous life form, and not the combination of lifeless chemicals and gases” (255). 

In short, life “did not, in fact, evolve on Earth” (255)—as suggested for instance, Sitchin observes, in 1973 by Nobel prize winner Francis Crick and by Dr. Leslie Orgel (255-256).

Sitchin stresses that life on our planet was a result of Earth's collision with a “life-bearing planet, the Twelfth Planet (Nibiru) and its satellites” (255).

During the collision, Sitchin continues, “the life-bearing soil and air of the Twelfth Planet ‘seeded’ Earth, giving it the biological and complex early forms of life for whose early appearance there is no other explanation” (255).

(I'd much appreciate your comments in the box below. Thank You.)

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Zecharia Sitchin's The 12th Planet: Chapters 5 and 6

Illustration Copyright by Zecharia Sitchin
Reprinted by Permission

[4th of 9 Parts]

Chapter 5 - “The Nefilim: People of the Fiery Rockets”

Sitchin starts the chapter with a reference to Sumerian and Akkadian texts that "leave no doubt that the peoples of the ancient Near East were certain that the Gods of Heaven and Earth were able to rise from earth and ascend into the Heavens, as well as roam the Earth’s skies at will” with their “fiery rockets” (128).

He goes on to describe one of the goddesses to illustrate his point: Inanna, also known as Ishtar.

Innana flew by mechanical means from Aratta to Uruk (biblical Erech), as well as to “Enki in Eridu”, to “Enlil in Nippur,” to her brother “Utu…in Sippar,” and to her sister Ereshkigal in the Lower World (129-130).

Innana was depicted as having used seven “objects”--or what Sitchin terms as "seven ME's"--relative to her “skyborne travels”: 

(1) a SHU.GAR.RA, on her head; 

(2) “Measuring pendants, on her ears”; 

(3) “Chains of small blue stones, around her neck”; 

(4) “Twin stones, on her shoulders”; 

(5) a “golden cylinder, in her hands”; 

(6) “Straps, clasping her breast”; and a 

(7) “PALA garment, clothed around her body” (130).

Sitchin makes a brief digression to point to the possibility that the “three men” who visited Abraham (in the Bible) were skyborne travelers who were “instantly recognizable as angels” due to “their helmets or uniforms—or what they carried—their weapons” (133). 

(Sitchin would explore this issue at length-- 22 years later--in his Divine Encounters. A Guide to Visions, Angels, and Other Emissaries [1998] ).

Sitchin stresses that the Gods of Heaven and Earth were “divine aeronaut(s)” (134)/

He adds that their temples had an “inner, sacred enclosure” for a mu, which was “an oval-shaped, conical object,” or rocket (140). 

In charge of the rockets and their landing place in Sippar was the god Utu, also called Shamash.            

             An ancient coin depicting a rocket at the 
upper right hand corner
Illustration Copyright by Zecharia Sitchin
Reprinted by Permission

Chapter 6 - “The Twelfth Planet”

Sitchin remarks that the ancient Sumerians used such terms as “Heavenly Abode,” a “pure place,” or a “primeval abode” in referring to Nibiru (173). 

He goes on to state that a cylinder seal--cataloged as VA/243--now kept in the Berlin Museum of the Ancient Near East, indicates that to the Sumerians the solar system consists of twelve celestial bodies, namely: the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Earth’s Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Nibiru (Marduk in Babylonian).

Cylinder seal VA/243 showing the 12 celestial bodies
(near upper left corner)
Illustration Copyright by Zecharia Sitchin
Reprinted by Permission 

(Would much appreciate your comments in the box below. Have a wonderful day!)