Thursday, February 14, 2019

World-Class NLP Certification Training By Dr. Steve G. Jones, Ed.D.

Here’s a wonderful—and extremely affordable—opportunity to have a world-class NLP certification training by Dr. Steve G. Jones

Dr. Jones--an NLP Master Trainer, a member  of the Board of Directors of the American Lung Association (LA Chapter), the American Board of Hypnotherapy, as well as of the National Guild of Hypnotists, is the Founder of the American Alliance of Hypnotists.

He strips out all the unnecessary time-wasting and just presents to you all the information you need to practice safely, successfully and professionally.

You will learn to have fun, expand your awareness, and experience deep change, as well as to:

·          Be your best in tough situations, all the time.

·          Turn problems and obstacles into springboards for super success.

·          Speed up your learning in any field.

·          Make dramatic, positive changes in the way you think, feel and act.

·          Successfully get your message across, every time.

·          Detect patterns in human behavior.

·          See and hear more efficiently as you improve your sensory acuity.

·          Learn to model yourself based on characteristics common among 
      high achievers.

·          Recognize how other people respond to you.

·          Defuse tense situations.

·          Understand where your competition is coming from.

·          Use objections to improve your communications.

·          Remove the emotional charge from unpleasant memories.

·          Eliminate and remove difficulties in your work and personal life by 
      recognizing and altering the patterns that create them.

·          Be able to build rapport with anyone.

·          Control almost any situation.

·          Improving and using states of mind.

·          Catapult yourself to great success using the secrets of managing 
      your emotional states.

·          Create useful states of mind, and use the best states of mind at the
      worst of times.

·          Break out of unwanted emotional states of mind at will.

·          Have your best resources available to you any time you need them, 
      by developing your personal circle of excellence.

Text Books (E-Book format): As part of the course (included in the total price of this course), you will receive a 100 page e-book by Dr. Steve G . Jones, M.Ed, NLP Master Trainer!!!

Click on any of the images on this page to access info or place your order and receive it right away.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Health Matters 5: Max Sidorov and The Big Diabetes Lie

The Big Diabetes Lie is a program that aims to reverse diabetes and take diabetics off medication and related protocol. Because of such claims--and the thousands of users who have been successfully helped by the program--it has inevitably become famous.

First marketed in 2016, it's still much sought after, with its ClickBank gravity presently at 99.46%.

Specifically, these are the claims, among other things, made by The Big Diabetes Lie:

1. The “truth” that diabetes can be cured has been “suppressed for over
    21 years”;

2. The program has “helped over 17,542 type 2 diabetics end the need for
    prescription drugs, insulin injections and blood sugar monitoring”;

3. Using the program, “96%" of the ICTM's (International Council for Truth 
    in Medicine's) patients "are able to stop ALL diabetes medication and 
    insulin injections”—as a consequence of which there was

4. "No more neuropathy pain, pricking (fingers to determine one’s blood 
    sugar level), or the need for expensive medication.” 

 A welcome remedy

If The Big Diabetes Lie is what its author Max Sidorov says, it would be
a powerful tool to help combat diabetes—which has become "an American
epidemic," as well as a "pandemic"!

“One in three Americans born in 2000 is projected to develop diabetes,” Dr. K.M. Venkat Narayan pointed out in an article on the April 23, 2005 issue of Clinical Diabetes 23 (2) (“The Diabetes Pandemic: Looking for the Silver  

A “pandemic,” continued Dr. Narayan, diabetes affected "194 million people worldwide" in 2013, "ranging in age from 20 to 79 years."

“By 2025, this number is projected to increase by 72% to 333 million, and nearly 80% of these cases will be in the poorer industrializing countries,” added Dr. Narayan, citing the International Diabetes Federation’s Diabetes Atlas (2nd ed. Brussels, Belgium, International Diabetes Federation, 2003).

In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) recently listed diabetes--along with other noncommunicable diseases such as cancer and heart disease--as 
one of the “Top Ten Threats to Watch in 2019.”

The WHO explicitly informed that “diabetes, cancer and heart disease are collectively responsible for over 70% of all deaths worldwide” (

What does the medical establishment say about diabetes?

The medical establishment has pointed out, among other things, that:

1. Diabetes is a disease caused by too much sugar or glucose in the blood,
    as there is no adequate insulin produced by the pancreas—insulin that’s
    supposed to move glucose to the body’s cells to give them energy

    What can’t the body make enough insulin? This is because “the immune
    system attacks and destroys the cells in the pancreas that make the
    insulin,” and “doctors aren’t sure why this happens”

2. Diabetes is of two major types: type 1 and type 2, though there are
    other diabetic conditions termed as prediabetes, as well as gestational

3. Diabetes “can’t be cured” (

Rebutted by The Big Diabetes Lie ?

That diabetes, in fact, can be cured—as attested to by thousands who have
been helped by the program and were taken off medication hooks—makes
The Big Diabetes Lie an ideal contender among diabetics present and 
future who are looking for a cure!  @

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Saturday, January 12, 2019

Health Matters 4: Lloyd Lester and Ejaculation on Command


Suffering from premature ejaculation or PE?  You’re not alone.

A recent study on premature ejaculation among 1,104  Italian men from age 18 to 60—with mean age of 45.6 years—concludes that premature ejaculation or “PE has a high prevalence in the Italian male population.” Authored by Paolo Verze et al, it was published in Sexual Medicine last May 2018

The study further states, in its conclusion, that premature ejaculation 
“increases with age,” and that it “heavily affects quality of life in patients and their partners.”  It also notes that "encouraging data exist concerning the percentage of patients seeking help for their condition.”

PE, of course, is not limited to Italians. 

The Mayo Clinic says it's "a common sexual complaint," and while estimates vary, "as many as 1 out of 3 men say they experience the problem at some time" 

"Actual figures may actually be higher," Lloyd Lester points out, "as this is an embarrassing ailment that not many guys are willing to openly discuss.”  

Lloyd Lester is the creator, among other highly acclaimed programs of his, of Ejaculation By Command, "a complete, step-by-step blueprint to help men permanently end premature ejaculation and last longer in bed.”

A bit more on PE from him below:


What are the symptoms of premature ejaculation?

“Premature ejaculation can be categorized by lifelong (primary) or acquired (secondary). The former can be characterized by early ejaculation within one minute following intercourse. This is often accompanied by a severe lack of confidence in bed and in worst cases, an avoidance of sex altogether.

“On the other hand, secondary PE is often marked by persistent ejaculation before both you and your partner wish that it happens. Guys who are experiencing secondary PE usually have enjoyed fulfilling sexual relationships in the past.”

Are most men at risk?

“There are some men who are at higher risks of developing premature ejaculation. These include guys who are suffering from some form of erectile dysfunction.

“Men who have problems with erection often subconsciously hurry through sexual intercourse for fear of losing their erections.”

What factor or factors cause PE?

One of the biggest stress or emotional strain.

“So men who are often emotionally stressed out are at a higher risk of ejaculating early during sex. 

"This is nature's way of releasing tension that has been pent up.”

Do we need to seek medical attention if we're afflicted with PE?

“If your lack of sexual endurance is causing great distress to you and your partner, it is recommended that you seek medical assistance. 

"The doctor would be able to advice on the appropriate treatment to help you cope with the problem.

“In some cases, the doctor will even suggest that you are not even experiencing early ejaculation, especially if it occurs only occasionally. Likewise, if you can satisfy your partner even if you do not last more than 2 to 4 minutes during intercourse, there is no real cause for concern.”

How can men with premature ejaculation cope with it?

There are many forms of treatments, and what you choose to use will depend on the severity of your condition.

“These options include natural sexual therapy and conditioning, such as the squeeze technique to re-wire your ejaculatory triggers; medications that include the use of anti-depressants or topical anesthetic creams or sprays.

“The bottom line is, premature ejaculation is very common and is a treatable condition.

By understanding why you are ejaculating prematurely, you can use the appropriate solutions to permanently end your ejaculation problems and achieve the coveted ability to enjoy long-lasting sex!”

Learn how you can develop superior sexual endurance and enjoy transformative sex with Lloyd  Lester's "Ejaculation By Command."  

Click on Any of the Images above, or Click HERE Now.

Part I of this article, Copyright 2019 by E. Alosbanos. All rights reserved.
Part II of this article, Copyright 2019 by Lloyd Lester. All rights reserved.

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