Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Zecharia Sitchin's The 12th Planet: Chapters 13 and 14

[8th of 9 Parts]

Chapter 13 - “The End of All Flesh”

Sitchin states that the human beings were “merely upgraded” by the gods or Anunnaki from “an existing animal”--Homo erectus--“to suit their needs” (that is, to serve them “food and drink” or to toil “in the fields or on construction jobs” [366]).

These “first representatives of Homo sapiens were incapable of reproduction” (368), that is, they were “either sexless or sexually incomplete beings” (369). 

Enki, however, later produced a “ ‘perfect mold’ ” and human beings were given the capacity to procreate—what the Bible, Sitchin notes, terms the acquisition of “knowing” (370, 372).

Some 200,000 years later, the gods themselves found out that the daughters of human beings were attractive enough to become their wives or sexual partners. 

This caused Enlil’s disgust: the “spreading defilement of the gods themselves” (372). 

As a result, Enlil schemed to wipe humankind off the face of the Earth.

A forthcoming Great Deluge was in perfect accord with his plan.

South to North course of the Great Flood
Illustration Copyright by Zecharia Sitchin
Reproduced by Permission

Chapter 14 - “When the Gods Left the Earth”

The Deluge that occurred is encoded in texts more ancient than the Bible, such as “When the gods as men,” as well as the Epic of Gilgamesh

The “hero of the Deluge” in the former text is called Atra-Hasis; in the latter text, Utnapishtim (the “first Noah,” Sitchin remarks).

The Deluge, though, was not Enlil’s first opportunity to wipe humans off Earth. 

The Atra-Hasis text (in its Akkadian and Assyrian versions) tells that Enlil “called for the decimation of Mankind through pestilence and sicknesses,” then through “starvation” (390, 391). Enki, however, in both of the above instances, helped the human beings survive.

The Flood was the third answer to Enlil’s plan. 

But seven days before the Flood, Enki instructed Atra-Hasis to build  “a submarine” (395), and the rest was history.

Before the Flood came, the gods fled in their rocket ships and hovered on Earth.

The Flood was caused by the melting of and splashing down into the ocean of the ice caps in Antarctica; this occurrence was catalyzed by the gravitational pull of Nibiru when it neared Earth’s vicinity during its visit in circa 11,000 B.C. It brought about the abrupt collapse of the Ice Age (402).

If Nibiru helped catalyze the occurrence of the Great Deluge in 11,000 B.C., and the Nibiruans or Anunnaki aided the human beings’ progress towards civilization after the Flood, as Sitchin writes, then the Nibiruans must have aided human progress after the Flood thrice, that is, every time the planet visited Earth every 3,600 years: in 11000 B.C., 7400 B.C., and 3800 B.C. (—what Sitchin, in the third chapter of The Twelfth Planet, terms as the granting of civilization to humankind in a “one-two-three punch”).


In Dec. 2004, Zecharia Sitchin wrote: 

"Quoting the Sumerian, Akkadian and biblical texts, I pointed out that although heavy rains did follow as Earth's ice age abruptly ended, it was a tidal wave that caused the Great Flood.  It was a tidal storm from the south, from Antarctica, that sent walls of water crushing over all the ancient lands, taking more than a year to subside." 

from: the last paragraph of "The 'Tsunami' of 10, 900 B.C.," Dec.    
         2004,  http://www.sitchin.com/media.htm.

Related Articles:

An Overview of The Twelfth Planet

Chapters 1 and 2 of The Twelfth Planet

Chapters 3 and 4 of The Twelfth Planet

Chapters 5 and 6 of The Twelfth Planet

Chapters 7 and 8 of The Twelfth Planet

Chapters 9 and 10 of The Twelfth Planet

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