Thursday, January 10, 2019

Health Matters 2: Elizabeth Swann Miller and The Red Tea Detox

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Liz Swann Miller

Elizabeth (Liz) Swann Miller, author of The Red Tea Detox, is a six-time best-selling Amazon author. 

She has "over 10 years of experience as a practicing Naturopath (ND)" and "over 15 years" of helping "thousands of women and men lose weight and reclaim their health, well-being, and happiness."

Her interest in weight loss, said Liz, "springs from my own battle with obesity. I was overweight throughout my childhood, teens, 20s, and 30s."

"At that point I decided something had to change, and I decided to take charge, take stock and start making changes in my life for the better," Liz said. "Drawing from my own experiences, as well as from what I learned from my studies, I began to write weight loss books."

Having heard a tale about a delicious 'voodoo tea' in Kenya that natives "drank to stop all feelings of hunger," Liz traveled to the heart of Africa, where she discovered the "unique" and "delicious  tea recipe."  

It became the basis of her book, The Red Tea Detox--which "has helped numerous people lose as much as 14 pounds in just a matter of weeks" after it was published. 

Click on the above image for exciting details!

As Liz said, “This whole thing came about because of legend that I had heard. I heard this tale that there was this delicious red tea – some called it a ‘voodoo tea’ – that members of a Kenyan tribe in the remote African wilderness drank to stop all feelings of hunger.”

Intrigued by the tale, Liz "ended up traveling to the area where she literally put her life on the line (thanks to an encounter with a dangerous snake) to uncover the truth."

What I learned was that yes, indeed, there is a tea that not only stops hunger cravings but that also burns fat and gives you unlimited energy. This discovery was well worth whatever hardships I endured in my travels,” she said.

“When you drink this tea you feel full, satisfied, and energized almost instantly, and your body will actually activate its natural ability to burn fat, a built-in superpower you might not have used in years,” added Liz.

Red tea, Liz remarked, "contains five herbal ingredients that work in harmony to 'speak instructions' from your brain to your fat cells to burn unwanted fat — and shrink your fat cells without any feelings of hunger."

The Red Tea Detox Program that Liz created "covers more than a decade of research spanning over 500 medical studies and almost three years of real-world testing." The program has "the results--and the science--to back it up."

The Red Tea Detox is a "brand-new cleansing program that detoxifies the body and sheds pounds quickly and safely. It allows almost anyone to lose 14 lbs in just a matter of weeks. The ingredients are so common they can be found in virtually any store."

Click on any of the above images for exciting information!

Reproduced for the "first time in the Western world, The Red Tea Detox passes on the recipe for this incredible tea in the form of a fully digital product, making it available to customers instantaneously."


This first section "outlines the importance of detoxifying the body before weight loss efforts, why toxins can hold your metabolism back, and the overall benefits of a red tea cleansed system for both the body and mind. What’s more, it outlines in detail which energy-rich foods can help one burn fat faster than ever before."

Click on the above image for exciting details!


This second section, designed to complement the diet portion, "consists of a variety of supercharged exercises that will help melt body fat even faster. Coupled with the metabolism-boosting diet, these quick and effective routines have the potential to almost double the weight loss results."

Willpower, Motivation, and Mindset

This third or last section "delves into some of the most common myths about willpower and how truly understanding the underlying realities of motivation can revolutionize your weight loss – and your life." A "vital part" of the program, it has helped people "lose weight fast and keep it off for good."

These three elements combined "create one of the most comprehensive and easy-to-use detoxification programs to date," and people "all over the world are already using itto lose weight quickly and easily while living a healthier and happier lifealong the way," Liz emphasized.

With the program, one gets  everything one needs "to lose weight including the red tea recipe and all the sources for five (5) unique ingredients--which can be found at any grocery store for pennies."

Click on the above image for exciting info!

Health Matters 1: Brian Flatt and The 1 Week Diet

R.E.V. Fitness owner, Brian Flatt, is a famous California nutrition coach and weight loss pioneer behind such highly acclaimed and successful programs,
the 3-Week Diet and the 2-Week Diet. 

Both programs have "introduced hundreds of thousands of Americans to a new way of looking at weight gain and weight loss" (brochure).

Flatt's latest work is the 1 Week Diet--a "very fast program that delivers dramatic results within 7 days," remarks Flatt. 

It's based on "ancient Japanese knowledge"--which Flatt's grandfather discovered in World War 2--and "has been clinically tested in modern laboratories.” 

What's more, the program--like its two predecessors--doesn't "require heavy cardio, hours at the gym, starvation or odd eating habits."

Together with 3-Week Diet and 2-Week Diet, the 1 Week Diet is, to a large extent, Flatt's answer to "the rise in obesity in the English speaking world," which has become "an alarming epidemic."

“Clearly," Flatt continues, "people are becoming heavier for a variety of reasons," among which are "diet, stress, the proliferation of processed foods and a lack of understanding of how the body works."

The 1 Week Diet is a simple program that requires "no heavy exercise, starvation or strange foods."

One simply learns how to use his or her "body’s natural bio-chemistry to shed unsightly pounds." 

(See Dr. A. Fasano, "Zonulin, regulation of tight junctions, and autoimmune diseases,"

(Brochure Excerpts

The 1 Week Diet focuses on three main components to help dieters lose unwanted weight: diet, exercise, and mindset. Dieters learn what, when, and how to eat for optimized weight loss. They also receive supplement and exercise advice to accelerate the process. Finally, they develop the mindset—or willpower—to lose weight and keep it off. 

“There really is no magic bullet in the fitness world,” Flatt explains, “No pill, workout, diet or surgery that magically turns a person into a Greek god overnight.  Yet when you actually figure out how the body works to store fat, you can reverse engineer these processes and get them to work in the other direction.”

The 1 Week Diet--while similar to his other systems--does contain some unique information inspired by Flatt’s grandfather, Graham. Graham Flatt was shot down over Okinawa in WW2 and lived with an extremely healthy and long-lived Japanese family for several months.  There he learned about many ancient Japanese health and diet secrets that he’s shared with Brian.  

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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Zecharia Sitchin's The 12th Planet: Chapter 15 or Last

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[Part 9 of 9]

Chapter 15 - “Kingship on Earth”

This last chapter informs of, among other things, what happened after the Deluge. 

According to Sitchin, the Nefilim taught the human survivors of the Flood the “arts of growing crops and cattle” in the “mountains skirting the low-lying plains” east of Sumer (413).

The place was called E.LAM, which literally means ‘house where vegetation germinated’ (414).

Kingship on Earth was also introduced--as “a bridge between the Nefilim “as lords” and the human beings (as still service providers).

A human ruler “would assure Mankind’s service to the gods and channel the teachings and laws of the gods to the people” (415). 

The first ante-diluvial city, Eridu, was also the “first to be rebuilt,” after which the Nefilim “helped the people plan and rebuild the first royal 
city” of the human beings: Kish (416).

Ruins of the ziggurat of the ancient city of Kish, Tell al-Uhaymir, Mesopotamia, Iraq
By Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin FRCP(Glasg) - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, 

Three regions on Earth were allotted to the human beings—what the Old Testament calls as the dwelling places of the three sons of Noah: 

[1] Mesopotamia and the Near Eastern lands -- inhabited by 
     the sons of Shem

Published by Guillaume Rouille(1518?-1589)

[2] Africa and parts of Arabia -- peopled by the sons of Ham; and 

Published by Guillaume Rouille (1518?-1589) - "Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum", Public Domain,

[3] Asia Minor, Iran, India, and Europe -- settled by the sons
     of Japheth.

Published by Guillaume Rouille(1518?-1589) - Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum, Public Domain,

Sumer (in Mesopotamia) would emerge as the first great known human civilization in 3800 B.C.

Second, Egypt (Africa) in 3200 B.C.

Third, the Indus valley (India) in circa 2800 B.C.--a thousand years after the rise of Sumer. 

The three regions shared one language (“the languages are not different” [418]).

But when the human beings constructed the (biblical) Tower of Babel--which, Sitchin writes, was actually a launching pad for spacecraft--the gods, fearing the human capacity for space exploration, confused the builders’ tongues. 

A fourth region, called TIL.MUN (‘the place of the missiles’), was for the exclusive use of the Nefilim. 

(In his second book, Stairway to Heaven, Sitchin would locate Tilmun in the Sinai peninsula and call it the Spaceport of the Gods.)

Towards the end of The 12th Planet's last chapter, Sitchin asks: "Have the Nefilim been encountered since? What will happen when they are encountered again?" 

His last question: "And if the Nefilim were the 'gods' who 'created' Man on Earth, did evolution alone, on the Twelfth Planet, create the Nefilim?"

 Related Articles:

An Overview of The Twelfth Planet

Chapters 1 and 2 of The Twelfth Planet

Chapters 3 and 4 of The Twelfth Planet

Chapters 5 and 6 of The Twelfth Planet

Chapters 7 and 8 of The Twelfth Planet

Chapters 9 and 10 of The Twelfth Planet

Zecharia Sitchin's The 12th Planet: Chapters 13 and 14

[8th of 9 Parts]

Chapter 13 - “The End of All Flesh”

Sitchin states that the human beings were “merely upgraded” by the gods or Anunnaki from “an existing animal”--Homo erectus--“to suit their needs” (that is, to serve them “food and drink” or to toil “in the fields or on construction jobs” [366]).

These “first representatives of Homo sapiens were incapable of reproduction” (368), that is, they were “either sexless or sexually incomplete beings” (369). 

Enki, however, later produced a “ ‘perfect mold’ ” and human beings were given the capacity to procreate—what the Bible, Sitchin notes, terms the acquisition of “knowing” (370, 372).

Some 200,000 years later, the gods themselves found out that the daughters of human beings were attractive enough to become their wives or sexual partners. 

This caused Enlil’s disgust: the “spreading defilement of the gods themselves” (372). 

As a result, Enlil schemed to wipe humankind off the face of the Earth.

A forthcoming Great Deluge was in perfect accord with his plan.

South to North course of the Great Flood
Illustration Copyright by Zecharia Sitchin
Reproduced by Permission

Chapter 14 - “When the Gods Left the Earth”

The Deluge that occurred is encoded in texts more ancient than the Bible, such as “When the gods as men,” as well as the Epic of Gilgamesh

The “hero of the Deluge” in the former text is called Atra-Hasis; in the latter text, Utnapishtim (the “first Noah,” Sitchin remarks).

The Deluge, though, was not Enlil’s first opportunity to wipe humans off Earth. 

The Atra-Hasis text (in its Akkadian and Assyrian versions) tells that Enlil “called for the decimation of Mankind through pestilence and sicknesses,” then through “starvation” (390, 391). Enki, however, in both of the above instances, helped the human beings survive.

The Flood was the third answer to Enlil’s plan. 

But seven days before the Flood, Enki instructed Atra-Hasis to build  “a submarine” (395), and the rest was history.

Before the Flood came, the gods fled in their rocket ships and hovered on Earth.

The Flood was caused by the melting of and splashing down into the ocean of the ice caps in Antarctica; this occurrence was catalyzed by the gravitational pull of Nibiru when it neared Earth’s vicinity during its visit in circa 11,000 B.C. It brought about the abrupt collapse of the Ice Age (402).

If Nibiru helped catalyze the occurrence of the Great Deluge in 11,000 B.C., and the Nibiruans or Anunnaki aided the human beings’ progress towards civilization after the Flood, as Sitchin writes, then the Nibiruans must have aided human progress after the Flood thrice, that is, every time the planet visited Earth every 3,600 years: in 11000 B.C., 7400 B.C., and 3800 B.C. (—what Sitchin, in the third chapter of The Twelfth Planet, terms as the granting of civilization to humankind in a “one-two-three punch”).


In Dec. 2004, Zecharia Sitchin wrote: 

"Quoting the Sumerian, Akkadian and biblical texts, I pointed out that although heavy rains did follow as Earth's ice age abruptly ended, it was a tidal wave that caused the Great Flood.  It was a tidal storm from the south, from Antarctica, that sent walls of water crushing over all the ancient lands, taking more than a year to subside." 

from: the last paragraph of "The 'Tsunami' of 10, 900 B.C.," Dec.    

Related Articles:

An Overview of The Twelfth Planet

Chapters 1 and 2 of The Twelfth Planet

Chapters 3 and 4 of The Twelfth Planet

Chapters 5 and 6 of The Twelfth Planet

Chapters 7 and 8 of The Twelfth Planet

Chapters 9 and 10 of The Twelfth Planet